Streamline Your Payroll with Financio:

Bulk Upload & Payment Made Easy!

Financio Payroll's Bulk Upload & Payment feature simplifies salary payments, statutory submissions, and bank transfers for businesses in Malaysia.

Make Electronic Submission

Pay your employees directly through bank transfers, eliminating the need for manual cheque processing. Financio integrates seamlessly with leading banks in Malaysia, including CIMB, RHB, OCBC,Maybank, and HSBC

Batch Payment Upload

Upload a single file containing payroll information for multiple employees, saving you hours of manual data entry.

Features Supported By

Simplified Statutory Submissions

Integrated Reporting

Generate all mandatory reports for Malaysian authorities like KWSP, PERKESO, LHDN and HRDF directly within Financio Payroll. No need to juggle multiple software or worry about data inconsistencies.

Pre-formatted Templates

Utilize pre-formatted templates for Borang A, Borang 8A, CP39, EA Form, and more, ensuring accuracy and compliance with the latest regulations.

Streamlined Submissions

Submit reports electronically with a single click, eliminating manual filing and paperwork hassles.

Financio Payroll Made It Easy For You!

Faster & simpler: Upload for all employees at once.

Convenient: Authorize transactions once for single or multiple payments, eliminating repetitive cheque signing.

Streamlined Process: Send transactions in bulk for a hassle-free experience.

✔ 100% Tax Compliant